Month: January 2009

Individual desks?

Ok – despite the training and yelling reminding that things need to be put away after school is done, things are obviously still not ideal around here. There is a certain culprit who’s always leaving things around tho’ the others aren’t that innocent either! The problem as I see it is the fact that they […] Read more…


I just saw a photo of a friend’s kitchen and I am drooling……….and struggling with contentment here! You know those HUGE, airy, clean, SPACIOUS, BIG, high ceiling kitchens you often see in interior magazines? (And I’ll bet it has been featured in some magazine already!) Replete with plants and an island counter and a garden outside […] Read more…

Say what???

You wouldn’t believe this but just last night dh said that he often forgets that I am pregnant!!! How to??? Here I am with people going on and on about how big my tummy is and you have my dh saying he forgets that I am pregnant??? Hey! I am the one who’s been pregnant […] Read more…

Is Your Home A Place of Sanctuary?

Or is it a place of chaos? Do your children love to be home? Does your husband look forward to coming home? Or do they all prefer to be out as often and as long as they possibly can? Please note that I am no Martha Stewart 🙂 And neither do you have to be […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Grumpy!

Week 32 Yep! That’s what I am – grumpy! 🙁 It seems that every little thing can and does set me off. Not very good testimony I know. Comments like : “You’re only 32 weeks? But you look soooo big!!!” “You are much bigger this time hor?” “Your baby must be very big.” Irk me […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Week 32

Finally we are down to single digits! 8 more weeks to go – God willing! Feeling even bigger and heavier than ever and definitely warmer too! Showering every 2 hrs is not uncommon here. And so is turning on the air con! This last stretch is always very trying for me. Focusing on what needs […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Nesting Attack!

Although I have been feeling extremely big and heavy at only week 29 (Can’t or is it don’t?! want to imagine how I’ll feel at 40 weeks!) I’ve been hit by the nesting instinct – much to the chagrin of my dh again!After our return from Malacca (with Christalite Methodist Church), I have been doing […] Read more…

Pregnancy Musings – The Name Game

Ahh!!! 28 weeks and counting and we still haven’t decided on any name for the baby!I often marvel at those who can resist the temptation to find out if they are carrying a boy or girl and are able to come up with 2 sets of names (English and Chinese, mind you!) while they await […] Read more…

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