Month: February 2008

WHEN do you start homeschooling?

If we go back to my first post on homeschooling “What is homeschooling?“, I said that as long as you teach your child at home, you are a homeschooler So you start homeschooling from day 1 of your baby’s life. When he cries and you pick him up, he learns that mummy will take care […] Read more…

WHO can homeschool?

The simple truth? Anyone who can read & who loves their child. Is it really that simple? Why not? If you can read and follow instructions, then you can teach your child. Homeschooling really isn’t as difficult as some people have made it out to be. If you really feel that you can’t do it […] Read more…

WHAT is homeschooling?

Homeschooling seems to be the latest flavour of the month here in Singapore! Many people are expressing interest in a topic that was unheard of just a few years ago. It was usually seen as something the expatriates did. Now, you almost always know of someone who is either homeschooling or knows someone else who […] Read more…

10 Things to Get Ready Before Baby’s Arrival

10 things to get ready before baby’s arrival. I share the 10 basic things I made sure I had on hand to welcome each baby into our family. From baby furniture to baby clothing and diapers. Some things are non-negotiables for me like the sarong sling. It allowed me to carry the baby and hold on to one or two other children at the same time! Read more…

Natural vs Managed Birth

Just this week, I had two friends birthing, with two very different experiences and outcomes. After my first birth I became a strong proponent FOR natural, unmanaged, unmedicated births. In other words, birthing the way God made our bodies to birth. And after listening to the two birth stories, I am convinced that the way […] Read more…

Birth Story #5

God answered all my prayers with this birth – both the inconsequential and the really important requests! My prayer requests I have never liked to labour in the hospital, preferring to labour at home instead. So my one desire is to be able to check myself in and birth the baby in just 1 hour. […] Read more…

Birth Story #4

Don’t put God in a box! For births #2 and #3, my water bag had burst before I checked myself into the hospital. So for #4, I had just assumed it would be the same. Therefore, I prayed for the water bag bursting as THE sign to leave for the hospital. Start of labour Contractions […] Read more…

Birth Story #3

No magic formula! Due to possible blue baby syndrome, I was determined to avoid the pethdine jab during this labour. It didn’t help anyway. Naively, I had thought that I could ask for the same sign from God to know when to go to the hospital. But like I had said before – there is no […] Read more…

Birth Story #2

I was determined this time round to not go in too early! But I didn’t know when to go in. Also I didn’t know what a waterbag bursting on its own felt like. Many told me that there will be a huge gush and the amniotic fluid would just flow non-stop. So armed with this […] Read more…

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