
31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Dishing Out Advice When You Have a Large Family

There are lots of people out in the Internet world dishing out advice on anything and everything. And I know that people expect that someone with more children than them to be wiser than them. But that is not necessarily true. I have two pieces of advice for you. Especially as you walk through the teen years with your children. Read more … Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Different Personalities in Our Large Family

Once you have more than one child, you cannot help but observe how different they both are. So, when you have 7, the differences can be super glaring. Sure, there would be some similarities. But each child is so unique that I constantly marvel at God’s handiwork in their lives. How can children from the same 2 parents be so different? Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Noise in Our Large Family is Par for the Course

NOISE, lots and lots of it. Noise in a large family is most certainly par for the course. Most days I don’t mind the noise and actually love it. It shows that the children enjoy each other’s company and have loads to share with each other. Better noise than deathly silence in my opinion. So I developed ways to deal with sensory overload. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Systems Make All the Difference

Yes, a large family creates more mess than a small one… But, a large family also has more hands to help out. I learnt early on that life in a large family with no extra help, requires having systems in place. Systems make all the difference. They are what what makes or breaks the running of the household. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Attending Church as a Large Family

The Lord’s Day. A day to worship the Lord and be with God’s family. And yet, attending church with a large family can be often everything but that. But mom in the trenches, keep keeping on! Because soon you WILL get to sit and listen to the sermons. You WILL get to chat with other adults without being interrupted. Hang in there! Read more…

Who are you? Do your public and private personas match?

Who Are You?

Who are you? How differently do you behave with the different groups of people you interact with? Will your children or husband be shocked when they see you in different environments? Do they truly know you? Do our private and public personas match?  Read more…

8 Tips for When You Have a Baby and Toddler Combo

Many times, as a parent of ONE child, we worry about adding another child to the family. How are we ever going to cope, we wonder? And many times people will offer helpful advice such as “get a maid” and/or “send the toddler to childcare/pre-school”. I share 8 tips on how to not just survive but thrive with the baby and toddler combo, without resorting to employing a maid or putting your older child in childcare, unless you really want to. Read more…

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