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Homeschooling After PSLE

A common question homeschoolers in Singapore get and even ask each other during the PSLE year and especially after PSLE is, “Are you going to continue homeschooling after PSLE? I address common questions raised when you say you are going to homeschool beyond PSLE plus the pros and cons of doing so. Read more…

Homeschooling Post PSLE FAQs to help those considering homeschooling their teenager.

Post PSLE Homeschooling FAQs

Post PSLE, there is no longer any Law that dictates our choice and mode of education. This can be exciting or scary. If you have been considering continuing to homeschool, let me encourage you that God is faithful and He will empower you. And if He has called/nudged/pushed you to homeschool even the secondary school years, you can do it because of His grace is all you need! Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Planning Keeps Homeschooling on Track in Our Large Family

Planning holds the key to sanity in our large family in every aspect of our lives. Homeschool planning is no different. It keeps everyone on track. With my master plan, I know that each child would be able to finish up the syllabus on time and have enough time to practice with exam papers. I don’t have to guess and hope for the best at the end of the year. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

31 Days of Living Life in a Large Homeschooling Family

So, I have decided to be brave and take on the Write 31 Challenge this year. I had heard about it late last year when the challenge had already ended so I just put my name down to be notified when the 2017 challenge came on. And so, a few weeks back I received the email that […] Read more…

PSLE Round 5

PSLE Round 5 and Other Homeschooling Matters

PSLE Round 5. Here we go again, and I am not even close to being done with PSLE! In today’s post, I share how we prepare for the oral exams and then get the children ready for PSLE with our own homeschool prelims. The prelims are more for familiarising the children with exam etiquette more than anything else.  Read more…

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