Month: March 2014

And the “baby” turns 5

It is official. We no longer have a baby in the house! She has turned 5! The little miss is certainly a force to be reckoned with – from her amazing entry into the world (See Birth Story #7) to her insistence on needing to be nursed all the time to me trying to sleep train […] Read more…

Grateful. Humbled.

On 11th March 2014, we celebrated 19 years of married life. And today, 12th March 2014, our “baby”, the 7th child, turns 5. For both events, I am truly grateful to our Lord. I do not take for granted our marriage and neither do I take for granted having our 7 living children. Influenced by […] Read more…

Rambling thoughts on homeschooling 7

Homeschooling is still such a foreign concept in Singapore that if I want to get any attention in a crowd, all I have to say is that I am a homeschooling mother 😀 I didn’t start out wanting to homeschool my children and definitely not all 7. And on certain days (months???) I still wonder […] Read more…