Month: May 2013

Ezzo Bashing

Time and time again whenever scheduling comes up with regards to a newborn baby, someone would bring up the Ezzos and then what I call the Ezzo-bashing would start. Many of those who bash them haven’t even read their books. What they have read are comments or blogs by others who may or may not […] Read more…

Looking back

The other day while out, I saw a mom who had a baby in a sling and was holding on to her 2 pre-schoolers, one in each hand, crossing the road. She was obviously dropping off the older 2 at the nearby preschool. Immediately that opened a floodgate of memories for me. Handling 3 young children […] Read more…

Being a stay at home mother is a great calling!

Just a mom

To be a stay at home mother is considered by many to be a waste of our education. Even in Christian circles. We are supposed to be doing something “useful” with our lives and degrees. Something not related to child raising, unless it is with regard to other people’s children. Read more…

Homeschool Fair 2013

For those of you who are wondering about the various homeschooling curricula local homeschoolers use, you can come and visit the yearly Homeschool Fair. Details are as follows. I am not part of the organising group nor will I be at the Fair, so if you need more information about it, please email the organiser […] Read more…