Month: April 2012

Just What Does It Mean to Eat Healthily?

Food fads come and go. It is hard to keep up with the various trends that keep popping up, especially in today’s age of the internet. You just need someone to suggest an idea and boom! suddenly this idea gains credence coz someone blogged/tweeted/facebooked it! As with all fads there will be testimonials from people […] Read more…

Food addictions

Having eczema and being on the GAPS diet has made me very aware of the food addictions many people around me have. Once people hear that we can’t eat breads or noodles or rice, they tend to freak out. 😀 They will invariably say, “Oh! I can’t live without my cake/bread/carbs/etc”. According to Dr Natasha […] Read more…

Homeschool FAQs

After fielding many similar Homeschool FAQs from people curious about homeschooling I decided to compile a common list of them and answer them here. For more on Homeschooling, go to the SEARCH Box on the right column and type in Homeschool. A list of homeschool posts should come out. If not, please let me know. […] Read more…