Month: July 2009

School’s Out!

That’s right, our school year is finally done! Readers who are from Singapore are probably going, “Huh? So soon?” While those from the US are probably going, “Huh? So late?” 😀 Actually the start and end date is purely arbitrary as we school for 4 weeks then take 1 week off the whole year round. I […] Read more…

A Funny

Before I forget, I wanted to write down something funny, 7yo ds said at dinner last week. Ds#1 suddenly howled in a annoying dramatic manner halfway through dinner at Jack’s Place. So obviously all heads at the table turned and looked at him to which he lapped up the attention and continued howling. He finally told […] Read more…

Being a helpmeet to another man

Take a moment and listen to Pastor Voddie Baucham teach on Biblical Womanhood on YouTube. It is a 8-part series and really good. He says it like it is, never mincing his words. You can also visit his ministry website at Voddie Baucham Ministries. I was listening to Part 3 on the night my baby […] Read more…

So much effort

Reading the Asiaparents postings and some other blogs recently made me conclude that I must be really belong to a minority group of moms. These are your supermoms, out to make sure that their babies are superbabies 🙂 These moms read up a lot on stimulating their babies and start flashing cards ala Glen Doman […] Read more…

Time to hide from the baby!

Yep! It’s that phase where the baby who would be happily playing by herself bursts into tears the moment she sees me walk pass her. And everytime this phase occurs I would have to sneak pass the baby if I need to get things done 😀 But I must confess it is very cute and […] Read more…

Dust Attack!

Everytime I declutter stuff, I get attacked by dust 🙁 It is such a miserable feeling that I am almost tempted to never declutter ever again! But stuff keeps coming in and I need to keep throwing/donating/selling them to keep clutter to a minimum. I like to delcutter at one go so that I only […] Read more…

Post Partum Hairloss

Here we go again. Hair, hair everywhere 🙁 And no, it’s not coz I turned 40 😀 Although perfectly normal and expected since I’ve had almost zero hairloss during pregnancy and even during the 1st three months post partum, the inevitable is happening now. What is scary is that the hair fall I”ve had the past […] Read more…

I’m 40!

Today, I turn 40. Yes finally 🙂 And it really isn’t a big deal. Truly.  I still haven’t gotten any profound revelation🙂 I’m just glad I am not having a midlife crisis. But then a friend once told me that she started her midlife crisis when she turned 41! So why am I blogging when […] Read more…