Month: March 2009

Depending on God

I have come to realise that without trials, one doesn’t need God. Yes, we pay lip service to how good and faithful God is but we don’t fully appreciate His goodness and faithfulness until we hit a brick wall and crumple into a heap. No wonder James tells us to “count it all joy when […] Read more…

All She Does Is Nurse

Shades of Baby #1 and #6 are seen in Baby #7. They all have one thing in common – they love to nurse on and on….It makes for a very tired mama and an aching back. And for this baby, she needs to burp after every nursing session. So you can imagine how much (or little?!) […] Read more…

Yes! He Deserves A Medal!

After hearing about our latest labour and birth story, many friends are gushing about how calm and/or brave Henson has been. One said that “He deserves a medal” and another said, he should be named “Hubby of the Year”. 🙂 And I, of course, agree! 🙂 If you had read his post on the Birth, […] Read more…

Birth Story #7 – Birth Announcement Part 2

Warning! This is a really long post! This was the most awesome, tiring and longest labour ever! So much for a calm* birth I’d prayed for! 🙂 And lots and lots of exciting parts that I doubt I’ll ever forget. Even now the entire labour and birth process is still playing in my head! Wednesday, […] Read more…

Ever feel that you are held hostage by your children? Don't. Giving in to a child's demands or suffer their temper tantrums is not love.

Held Hostage by the Children!

Do you sometimes feel that you are held hostage by your children? I have been reading and hearing about children who rule the home with their behaviour and it makes me sad. They have become the kings and queens that their parents have to pay homage to. We need to be firm and parent in love. Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Who won?

So, for those who’d placed their bets on whether I would spend my 14th wedding anniversary pregnant or unpregnant, in the hospital or out of the hospital…………….. I am still very much pregnant and at home! 🙂 Yep. We went for the dr’s appointment this morning and baby is fine and so is mama and […] Read more…

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