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This baby, like her 4 other siblings, spit up A LOT. So much that we always joke that we should have invested in some Kleenex shares 🙂

She spits up after each mursing session. Yes, we burp her. She still spits up A LOT. No, I am not exaggerating. I constantly smell of her spit up. Well, that’s what everyone around me tells me since I have long since been de-senstised by it all and I don’t have enough t-shirts to change into. 🙂

What causes it you may ask? I have no answers. Only suspicions.

Suspicion #1

My overactive letdown. This means that at letdown, my milk flows very fast and very strongly leading to the baby gulping it down instead of drinking it at a leisurely pace. This could cause gassiness which in turn causes her to spit up the milk. Burping her only relieves the situation a little.

This is one reason why I can’t nurse lying down with her since I always have to burp her after each nursing session.

Suspicion #2

Dairy products. She could be sensitive to dairy products. So for now, I am avoiding them in all forms (milk, butter, cream, cheese, milo, etc…) to see if it helps her.

Suspicion #3

Overeating. Her, not me 🙂 She nurses all the time and this of course leads to an overly full stomach 🙁

Eventually they outgrow it. Some as late as 7 months, others as early as 5 months. Meanwhile, get the tissues ready!

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3 Comments on Spitting Up Everywhere

  1. i have an overactive let down too! can spray like mini water jets! lol! do you also have oversupply too btw?

    but seriously, if the spitting up is getting too much, might want to check for reflux?

    alternatively, try block feeding ie feed on same side for 2-3 hr blocks, don’t keep switching sides, so tt bb gets slower flow n more hindmilk (and tame the oversupply, if any, and the overactive let down, too).

    hth! if not, just ignore me! : )

    • Ee Lin-I don’t know about oversupply since this I don’t pump 🙂 But with her drinking so often, I never got engorgement this time round. and yes, I have been nursing her on the same side if it is less than a 2 hr interval and esp if she’s just nursing to go to sleep. But doesn’t always work coz she’ll fuss when the flow is a bit slow 🙁

      I am also mindful of the possibility that it could be acid reflux rather than the common reflux many babies have due to the immaturity of their system.


  2. hi serene, I’m back reading your past entries and now that I’m actually b-fding my 1st kid, the information and experience blogged here has helped me so so much! Thanks again for sharing your life like this! =)

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