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Everything is done in a rush ever since baby #7 joined our family 2.5mths ago.

The only thing that can’t be rushed is her nursing session! 🙂 She sure takes her own sweet time to nurse, very unlike the rest of the children. Of course things could change as she gets older – I can only hope!

So the moment she is done nursing and is burped and happy. I have to rush – be it to help the toddler who only wants mama or prepare a meal (not cook since that would take too long) or use the toilet. For she isn’t happy to be left alone or lying on the mattress for too long. She likes to be part of the action and preferably in an upright position at that!

And, since she naps so erratically, if at all, the moment she is asleep, there is a big rush again – to do things that require two hands. Such as or cook a meal or iron the laundry or wash the toilet.

Everything is a big rush around here as you can see. I think that’s what tires me out – the rushing! Besides having to carry her for a good part of the day.

So I am off now to cook dinner before the little miss decides to wake up from her nap and bawl her head off 🙂

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

2 Comments on Rush, rush, rush

  1. Oh yes the big rush! Me too…whenever the little guy gets off my hands, I rush to do whatever I can with 2 HANDS instead of just 1. It also seems like my little guy got computer “antenna”, whenever I turn on the pc, he’ll suddenly wake up from his deep slumber..and he absolutely dislike me nursing him in front of the pc, so once he’s up, it’s back to the sofa with him again.

  2. Hi Serene,

    I know this is not quite a helpful statement but I would have somewhat wished to be in your predicament. My son is now on a nursing strike that has been going for almost 2 weeks now, and it doesn’t seem like there is any end in sight. How I so wish he would nurse rather than needing me to express, wash, sterilise, measure out the feed, feed, wash, sterilise…repeat. That, is so much more incremental work and effort, that it is now taking sheer determination and God’s grace for me to carry on pumping to provide him milk.
    If you have any experience with a nursing strike, it would be great if you could send me an email.

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